Pallibhagam youth Movement Kudassnaad
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About us...

Pallibhagam youth movement  is the spiritual glow of St Stephen's Orthodox Cathedral Kudassanad. Years before the birth of 'OCYM - the youth association of Malankara orthodox church’, the youngsters of  St. Stephen's othodox cathedral used to work under a youth banner ie 'Youvajana Samajam'  since 1927 . After the formation of the Malankara Orthodox Christian youth movement, our youvajana samajam  got affiliated to OCYM and became a  prime unit of it. So we have pride to say that, before the formation of our Malankara Orthodox Youth Movement, We have had a youth organization in kudassanad St Stephens orthodox cathedral in the very beginning.  Worship, Study and service – with this vision and motto our youth movement functions in different areas of our church under one flag. Spiritual, Social, Cultural in all those dimension of service the roll and involvement of our youth movement is highly remarkable. Moreover our youth movement grooms a group of service minded faithful youngsters, who  are   useful to the church and society. Pallibhagam Youth Movement is playing a Significant role in the over all development of Church & Society

 The Land mark of Pallibhagam Youth Movement is the Activities based on values like Worship, Study and Service. Pallibhagam Youth Movement's Activities are  founded on the realization of  that youngster's personality is partially spiritually bliss, which guides him to a shining character, which eventually paves the way for the development and strengthening   of the society at large

The Youngsters congregate in the unit office on all Saturday evening. Key note address is given every week by Bishops, Priests or other leaders

 This Youth movement has been implementing sound  schemes of positive and constructive activities. This unit adopts activities that attract the attention of the Churches universally .

The 5 priests in Orthodox Church were the former member of this unit and His Grace Dr.Gabriel Mar Gregorios Metroplitan - member of our parish, was a former member of our unit.

Many persons from this movement were elected to central     committee of  MOCYM.

The Pallibhagam Youth Movement is Publishing a trimontly with the nomenclautre    " YUVADEEPTHY"



There is a social aid fund for the students who are financially backward in the church and society



Pallibhagam Youth Movement hold seminars and speeches with a view to impart knowledge related to myriad fields to the community



Pallibhagam Youth Movement undertakes environment protection campaign, raising the slogan "Clean City - Green City"



Pallibhagam Youth Movement has the leading Blood Donor Group that caters to the needs of those within and outside the Church.



Youth Movement activities aimed at personality development and character-building; Yearly Four-day conference for the students. These are but a few of the highlights of association activities



     Pallibhagam youth Movement Members

Contact Address

Pallibhagam Youth Movement
St Stephen's Orthodox Cathedral
Kudassanad P O, Pandalam
Pathanamthitta (Dist)
Kerala, India. Pin 689512

Ph No : +91 4734 252134

 Kudassanad Cathedral 3600 View 






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